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Wileyx Visionaries
Wiley X Visionaries: Sensi Graves
Elite kiteboarder and swimsuit designer Sensi Graves shares her story of living the dream in Hood River, OR.
Dec 23, 2017
Wiley X Visionaries: Tyler Roemer
Outdoor photographer and Wiley X sunglass Visionary Tyler Roemer talks what motivates him and demonstrates the extreme lengths he will go to in search of the magic shot.
Dec 23, 2017
Wiley X Visionaries: Cody Herman
Pro fishing and hunting guide and TV show host Cody Herman shares his memories of being a young outdoorsmen and how it has shaped his life - and profession - today.
Mar 15, 2018
Wiley X Visionaries: Stafford Slick
Pro beach volleyball player on the AVP Tour Stafford Slick talks life, competing, family, life on the tour and the Wiley X protective eyewear he relies on.
Apr 30, 2018